Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Industry Turnover Index decelerates.
Employment and Hours worked decrease.
Business turnover, employment, wage and hours worked indices in industry
Industry Turnover Index decelerates. Employment and Hours worked decrease. - January 2011
04 March 2011

Industry turnover moved from a year-on-year change rate of 11.2% in December to 7.7% in January, reflecting deceleration in sales for both markets, more pronounced in the domestic market (4.5% in January and 8.9% in December). Sales for the external market increased 13.6% in January (15.9% in the previous month).
In year-on-year terms, employment and hours worked, adjusted for calendar effects, decreased by 1.0% and 0.1%, respectively, while wages and salaries rose 1.1%.

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