Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Preliminary results of International Trade in 2014: in nominal terms exports increased by 1.8% and imports increased by 3.2% vis-à-vis 2013
International trade statistics
Preliminary results of International Trade in 2014: in nominal terms exports increased by 1.8% and imports increased by 3.2% vis-à-vis 2013 - 2014
07 July 2015


In 2014, exports of goods increased by 1.8% when compared with the previous year, totaling EUR 48,177.1 million, while imports of goods increased by 3.2% with a total of EUR 58,853.8 million. The deficit of the trade balance of goods increased by EUR 966.8 million, to EUR -10,676.7 million.Spain remained as the main partner of Portugal and stood for 23.5% of Portuguese exports of goods and for 32.5% of imports.The highest deficits in trade of goods continued to occur with Spain, Germany and Italy, while the highest surpluses were recorded with Angola, France and the United States of America. Due to the sharp decrease in imports of Mineral fuels, the highest trade of goods surplus was registered with Angola.The main groups of goods exported remained to be Machinery and mechanical appliances, Vehicles and other transport equipment and Mineral fuels. Mineral fuels and Machinery and mechanical appliances continued to be the main groups of imported goods.

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