Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourist trips increase at a slower pace
Tourism Demand of Residents
Tourist trips increase at a slower pace - 1st Quarter 2016
26 July 2016


In the 1st quarter 2016 residents in Portugal made 3.7 million tourism trips, corresponding to an increase of 0.8% over the 1st quarter 2015 (+ 5.3% in 4th quarter 2015), of which 16.6% were long term trips, i.e., lasting four or more nights  (18.7% in 1st quarter 2015).
The main reason for travelling was "Visit to relatives or friends", linked with the occurrence of 1.9 million trips (51.2% of the total). For “leisure, recreation or holidays” 1.2 million trips were made (33.0%) and "professional or business" trips reached 408 700 (11.0%).
The "free private accommodation" gained increased expression, corresponding to 72.9% of overnight stays (+7.0 p.p. compared to 1st quarter 2015). The "hotels and similar accommodation" were the choice for 23.3% of overnight stays made in the 1st. quarter (-3.2 p.p.).

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