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Non-financial enterprises accelerated the growth of the main economic indicators
Enterprises in Portugal
Definitive data
Non-financial enterprises accelerated the growth of the main economic indicators Definitive data - 2017
13 February 2019


In 2017, the main economic aggregates of the non-financial business sector in Portugal continued to improve, and registered an increase in nominal terms of 9.1% in the turnover, 8.5% in the GVA and 9.4% in the GOS (2.7%, 6.0% and 8.4%, respectively, in 2016). The persons employed increased by 5.1% (3.5% in 2016) reaching a total of 3 892 218 persons. The remuneration by employee and the GVA by person employed increased by 2.4% and 3.1%, respectively (0.9% and 2.5% in 2016).
The births of enterprises increased by 5.5% in 2017. For the first time in the last five years, the persons employed by company born exceeded the same ratio between companies that died (2.1 compared to 1.8 persons employed by company, respectively).
In the non-financial sector, 36 908 companies started activity, which corresponds to a birth rate of 9.3%, slightly higher than in 2016 (+0.4 p.p.). The demography (entrances – exits) contributed positively to the growth of the persons employed (+0.8 p.p.), remunerations (+0.1 p.p.) and GVA (+0.5 p.p.), contrary to what was observed in 2016 (-0.2 p.p., -0.6 p.p. and -0.1 p.p., by the same order).
In 2017, the companies belonging to groups represented 7.4% of total non-financial companies, accounted for 63.6% of turnover, 60.6% of GVA and 39.9% of persons employed. In addition, they presented an indicator of qualification of persons employed higher than that registered by independent companies. 

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