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Consumer confidence and economic climate indicators reveal significant reductions
Business and consumer surveys
Consumer confidence and economic climate indicators reveal significant reductions - April 2020
29 April 2020


In the context of the current pandemic, the Consumer confidence indicator registered in April the greatest reduction in the series compared to the previous month, reaching the minimum value since September 2014. Not considering three-month moving averages (see next section), this indicator reached the minimum since May 2013.
In business surveys, the situation generated by the pandemic has also severely penalized the opinions and expectations of entrepreneurs. The economic climate indicator declined sharply in April, dropping to values close to those observed at the end of 2013. Not considering three-month moving averages, this indicator showed the sharpest reduction in the series, reaching the minimum value. Confidence indicators for Manufacturing Industry, Construction and Public Works, Trade and Services declined sharply compared to March, especially in the latter case. It should be noted that in the Services, the sections of “Arts, entertainment and recreation” and “Accommodation and food service activities” registered the most significant reductions.

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