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Consumer confidence and economic climate indicators continue to recover partially after strong reductions in April
Business and consumer surveys
Consumer confidence and economic climate indicators continue to recover partially after strong reductions in April - June 2020
29 June 2020


In June, the consumer confidence indicator continued to recover partially, after having presented in April the greatest reduction compared to the previous month and the minimum value since May 2013.
The economic climate indicator increased in May and June, especially in the last month, after reaching the minimum value of the series in April. The confidence indicators recovered in all sectors, with emphasis on the Manufacturing Industry, which registered the greatest increase in the series, after having recorded, in May, the minimum of the series. In Construction and Public Works and Trade, the indicators partially recovered in May and June, with Services also increasing in June, after having presented the lowest value in the series in the previous month.

Despite the circumstances determined by the pandemic COVID 19, Statistics Portugal will try to maintain the statistical production and release calendar, although some adjustments might occur associated with the impact of the pandemic in obtaining primary information. For this reason, Statistics Portugal asks for the best collaboration by firms, households and public entities in answering to Statistics Portugal‘s requests to obtain information, using Internet and telephone as alternative channels to face-to-face contacts. The quality of official statistics, particularly its ability to identify the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, depends crucially on this collaboration that Statistics Portugal is grateful for in advance.

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