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Consumer confidence indicator Increases and economic climate Indicator decreases
Business and consumer surveys
Consumer confidence indicator Increases and economic climate Indicator decreases - January 2022
28 January 2022


The Consumer confidence indicator increased in January, after stabilizing in December and decreasing in the previous two months, significantly in November.

The economic climate indicator decreased in January, presenting an irregular behaviour since July. Confidence indicators decreased in January in Manufacturing Industry and in Services, increasing in Construction and Public Works and in Trade. 

The balance of expectations regarding the future evolution of consumer prices decreased in December and January, following the increases observed in the previous three months, which resulted in the highest value of the last ten years.

The expectations of Construction and Public Works entrepreneurs about the future evolution of selling prices reached again the maximum value of the series, reinforcing the sharp upward movement observed since May. The selling prices expectations in Trade recovered in January, reaching the maximum of the series started in May 2003. The balance of expectations regarding the evolution of the charged prices of services increased in January, contradicting the reduction observed in the previous month and returning to a level close to the maximum of the series recorded in November 2005. Manufacturing Industry was the only activity where the perspectives on selling prices decreased in January, after reaching in December the maximum value since October 1990.

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