Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Mortality decreases 15,8% compared to the same month of 2023
Vital Statistics
Monthly data
Mortality decreases 15,8% compared to the same month of 2023 - February 2024
15 March 2024


In February 2024, the number of deaths was 9,139, lower than the number registered in January 2024 (4,315 less deaths; -32.1%) and in February 2023 (1,710 less deaths; -15.8%).

In January 2024, 7,044 children were born alive, decreasing 1.6% compared to December 2023 (7,156) and 2.2% compared to January 2023 (7,204).

In that month, the natural balance was -6,398, worsening in relation to the same month of 2023, when it reached -4,721.

In January 2024, 1,533 marriages were celebrated, decreasing 24.9%, compared to number of marriages held in December 2023 (508 less marriages) and 7.7% regarding January 2023 (127 less).

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