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Business confidence levels recover, in spite of the deterioration in construction and public works and trade sectors. Consumer Confidence Indicator resumes the upward trend
Business and consumer surveys
Business confidence levels recover, in spite of the deterioration in construction and public works and trade sectors. Consumer Confidence Indicator resumes the upward trend - July 2006
02 August 2006

In July the Business Climate Indicator improved, departing from the level observed in the eight months before June and reaching the highest level since October 2004. The confidence levels in manufacturing industry maintained the upturn seen in the previous month, reaching a maximum since October 2004. In services, the confidence indicator strengthened its upward trend , standing above the series average. Confidence in Trade deteriorated, as a result of developments in retail trade, which more than offset the recovery in wholesale trade. In construction and public works, the confidence indicator deteriorated, maintaining the downward trend seen since August 2005, which was only interrupted from February to April 2006. The Consumer Confidence Indicator eased resuming the upward trend started in February, which had been interrupted in June.
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