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THe M|G|00 queue busy cicle renewal function
Manuel Alberto M. Ferreira > Revista de Estatística - 3.º Quadrimestre de 2000 > INE, 2001, p. 61 - 73


In this paper we present formulas to compute the busy cycle renewal function for the M|G|00 queue. It's value in t gives the mean number of busy periods that begin in [0, t].
We consider service time distributions for wich the renewal function is given for a simple expression and others for wich it is more complicated, namely: exponential, NBUE (New Better Than Used in Expectation), NWUE (New Worse Than Used in Expectation), DFR (Decreasing Failure Rate), IMRL (Increasing Mean Residual Life) and power function.

keywords: M|G|00, busy cycle, renewal function.

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