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Migrant persons
Maria do Céu da Cunha Rêgo > Demographic Studies Review > INE, 2009, p. 5 - 28


Two key messages from Cairo on international migration particularly important for the Portuguese delegation – human rights of all migrants and the right to family reunification – are the starting point to a review of relevant texts and instruments produced at international and EU levels on the issue. With the same methodology, visibility is given to gender mainstreaming on international migration, due the UN choice to celebrate the 15th anniversary of ICPD linked to the fulfilment of the Millennium Development Goals and to the 3rd goal on Gender Equality.
The relative position of Portugal on international migration and an opinion on the contribution of migrants to universal peace conclude the paper.

keywords: International migration; ICPD; Human Rights of migrants; family reunification; gender equality; Portugal; intercultural dialogue; global citizenship; universal peace.

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