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Poor people, poor places, poor health. Territories of risk amplification in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area
Helena Nogueira > Demographic Studies Review > INE, 2009, p. 29 - 47


This study promotes a dynamic, inclusive approach of health determinants in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, integrating distinct levels of determinants (individual and contextual ones), which act through different mechanisms (direct and indirect ones). Besides identifying the main health risk factors, previously revealed in a former number of this journal, we show now the main risk areas. The results show that it is possible to identify iniquities in daily living conditions, which have a negative impact on health and are often underlying socioeconomic deprivation. However, they also show that daily spaces can emerge as territories of health risk, amplifying the degrading effect of some individual attributes. We conclude that it is possible to identify the social determinants of health and the way how they cluster
together, forming territories of health vulnerability and risk. We also conclude that health improvement is possible through integrative, intersectorial and strategic policies, addressing not only the individuals but also their daily
spaces: decreasing individual poverty, decreasing area deprivation; decreasing iniquities in resources access and utilization, promoting social and territorial cohesion; changing risk territories into territories of health promotion.

keywords: Lisbon Metropolitan Area; health variations; area deprivation; daily living conditions; risk amplification; territories of risk.

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