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Situation of women in the world: what progress towards equality 15 years after the Beijing Platform for Action?
Maria Regina Tavares da Silva > Demographic Studies Review > INE, 2010, p. 5 - 20


Considering that 1995, with the celebration of the IV Conference on Women, organized by the United Nations and with the Beijing Platform for Action adopted by the Conference, represents a moment of change in the way of looking at women’s issues and at gender equality, a brief analysis is made of the process that led to this Conference, as well as of the main areas of concern and proposals for action included in the Platform. On the other hand, considering the innovative view of the nineties on such matters, as being an integral part of the great issues of humanity at the present time, to which the world conferences of the decade gave visibility, special attention is given to the significant convergence of the objectives of the Platform for Action and of the Millennium Development Goals, aiming at pointing out how the promotion of the situation of women and of gender equality is an essential element for a positive response to the challenges that humanity faces nowadays. Finally, on the basis of official reports of evaluation, under the Beijing+15 process, as well as on the basis of personal experience in the Committee that monitors the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, a brief evaluation is undertaken of the progress achieved and of the obstacles faced in the long march to equality.

keywords: Women; Equality; Platform for Action; Beijing+15; evaluation.

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