Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Where can one find information about the Environment in the Statistics Portugal portal?


It is possible to obtain statistical information from different periodicities and geographical breakdowns in various products, with the emphasis on:

·         Database — The largest volume of most recent information

Access Products> Database> Theme: Environment> Subthemes:

·         Agri-environmental

·         Water

·         Air and climate

·         Biodiversity

·         Circular economy

·         Energy

·         Environmental protection

·         Waste


In the Database, the tables of selected indicators can be modified through the option “Change selection conditions” to obtain finer breakdowns in the dimensions of indicators, where applicable, and/or other reporting periods.

·         Publications

Access Products> Publications> Theme:  Environment

The set of publications, with content analysis, is available in PDF, which is complemented with information tables in XLSX and CSV.

In the selected publications, the “Previous editions” option allows access to previous publications

·         Press releases — Brief analysis of the first results of statistical operations

               Access Products> Press releases> Theme: Environment

The Press releases can be consulted in full, in PDF format, with the analysis of the main results, as well as in the attached tables with the statistical data, in Excel and CSV format.


In the selected press releases, the option “Previous editions” allows access to all previous highlights.

·         Thematic dossiers


Access Products> Theme  Dossiers> National Accounts> Satellite E-Accounts> E.5 Environment Satellite Account.


Metadata related to the different statistical operations of this theme conducted by Statistics Portugal is available in Products> Metainformation System (Concepts, Classifications, Methodological Documentation, Variables and Collection Supports)> Theme: Environment.