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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Does Statistics Portugal provide statistical information on Firefighters?


Yes, at Statistics Portugal Portal> Products:

·         Database> Theme: Environment, sub-theme: Environmental protection, annual indicators have been available since 1998 on the number of firefighters and fire brigades, by geographical location, up to the municipal level.

With a geographical breakdown at NUTS III (Sub-regions) level, there are indicators on investments, expenses, and income (EUR) of entities holding fire brigades, number, and type of services provided by firefighters, as well as data on the number of firefighters by sex, age group, level of education and type of work contract.

Finally, the indicators referring to revenue and expenditure of fire brigades, with the 1998-2010 series, are disaggregated up to NUTS II (Regions).

It should be noted that, in the Database, the tables of the selected indicators show by default the most recent and aggregated information. However, they can be changed through the option “Change selection conditions” to obtain finer breakdowns in the dimensions of indicators, where applicable, and/or other reporting periods.

·         Publications> Theme: Environment> Environmental Statistics — annual publication with an evolutionary analysis of the environment in Portugal which, in the chapter “Economics, finance, and environment”, integrates information on firefighters.


For more information on the indicators available, see the Statistics Portugal Portal> Metainformation System> Methodological Documentation> Theme: Environment > Methodological document Survey of entities holding fire brigades