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Publication cover

Paper Paper
Statistical Yearbook of Portugal - 2003
Issue year: 2004


The Statistical Yearbook of Portugal is the principal reference work published by the National Statistical Institute (INE) and compiles a wide range of data on the various statistical subjects produced by the INE.

The first chapters of this edition are focused in territory and demographic themes. The following chapters are addressed to economic activity matters and lastly we drive the attention to social aspects dealing with structuring phenomena in Portuguese society and with some basic information on citizenship. The greatest part of the data available in this volume refers to 2003 or 2002 but whenever possible it is given retrospective data for the last five years.

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How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Statistical Yearbook of Portugal : 2003. Lisboa : Soartes, Artes Gráficas, Lda, 2004. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 0871-8741. ISBN 972-673-730-3