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Your search found 168 result(s) (in 0.036 seconds)

  1. Approval of the “Concepts for statistical purposes” in the following thematic areas: Education and Vocational Training
    13 November 2006
    Approval of the “Concepts for statistical purposes” in the following thematic areas: Education and Vocational Training ...
    Deliberação 322  PDF (30 KB)
  2. Creation of a Task Force to update, for statistical purposes, concepts of the thematic area of “Energy” – composition and mandate
    02 October 2006
    Creation of a Task Force to update, for statistical purposes, concepts of the thematic area of “Energy” – composition and mandate ...
    10ª Decisão - SP Planeamento, Coordenação e Difusão  PDF (31 KB)
  3. Approval of updates to the “Concepts for statistical purposes” in the following thematic areas: Demography, Science and Technology and Justice
    20 September 2006
    Approval of updates to the “Concepts for statistical purposes” in the following thematic areas: Demography, Science and Technology and Justice ...
    Deliberação 316  PDF (31 KB)
  4. Favourable appraisal of the Report submitted by the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas da Demografia (Working Group on Demographic Statistics) (Migration area) and approval of the respective recommendations
    23 May 2006
    Favourable appraisal of the Report submitted by the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas da Demografia (Working Group on Demographic Statistics) (Migration area) and approval of the respective  ...
    15ª Decisão - SP de Estatísticas Demográficas e Sociais, Famílias e Ambiente  PDF (61 KB)
  5. Favourable appraisal of the 1st Report of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas da Agricultura e Pescas (Working Group on agriculture and fishery statistics) and of a set of recommendations submitted therein; issue of recommendations
    22 May 2006
    Favourable appraisal of the 1st Report of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas da Agricultura e Pescas (Working Group on agriculture and fishery statistics) and of a set of recommendations  ...
    6ª Decisão - SP de Estatísticas Económicas Sectoriais  PDF (91 KB)
  6. Approval of changes to the functioning of the existing Working Groups (2006 version); redefinition of mandates, composition and deadlines for the submission of documents. Extinction of the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas das Comunicações (Working Groups on Communications Statistics)
    10 May 2006
    Approval of changes to the functioning of the existing Working Groups (2006 version); redefinition of mandates, composition and deadlines for the submission of documents. Extinction of the Grupo de ...
    5ª Decisão - SP de Estatísticas Económicas Sectoriais  PDF (58 KB)
  7. Restricted Session of the Standing Section of Territorial Base Statistics for the creation of a Territorial Base Indicator System to monitor and evaluate the regional impact of public policies
    21 April 2006
    Restricted Session of the Standing Section of Territorial Base Statistics for the creation of a Territorial Base Indicator System to monitor and evaluate the regional impact of public policies ...
    Deliberation 309  PDF (58 KB)
  8. Issue of a favourable opinion on the Work Programme for 2006 of Statistics Portugal and other entities intervening in national statistical production
    30 January 2006
    Issue of a favourable opinion on the Work Programme for 2006 of Statistics Portugal and other entities intervening in national statistical production ...
    Deliberação 305  PDF (29 KB)
  9. Approval of the Work Programme of the Statistical Council for 2006
    30 January 2006
    Approval of the Work Programme of the Statistical Council for 2006 ...
    Deliberação 304  PDF (19 KB)
  10. Rules of Procedure of the Statistical Council – 2006 version
    30 January 2006
    Rules of Procedure of the Statistical Council – 2006 version ...
    Deliberation 302  PDF (109 KB)
  11. Recommendation to issue a favourable opinion on the Work Programme for 2006 of Statistics Portugal and of other entities intervening in national statistical production
    09 January 2006
    Recommendation to issue a favourable opinion on the Work Programme for 2006 of Statistics Portugal and of other entities intervening in national statistical production ...
    36ª Recomendação - SP Planeamento, Coordenação e Difusão  PDF (31 KB)
  12. Recommendation to approve the Work Programme of the Statistical Council for 2006
    09 January 2006
    Recommendation to approve the Work Programme of the Statistical Council for 2006 ...
    35ª Recomendação - SP Planeamento, Coordenação e Difusão  PDF (21 KB)
  13. Appraisal of the “Diagnosis of the Territorial Base Statistical Data System” presented by Statistics Portugal – approval of conclusions and definition of future work
    01 January 2006
    Appraisal of the “Diagnosis of the Territorial Base Statistical Data System” presented by Statistics Portugal – approval of conclusions and definition of future work ...
    1ª Decisão - SP de Estatísticas de Base Territorial  PDF (42 KB)
  14. Composition of Restricted Sessions and on Deliberations taken by written procedure enforcing some of its powers
    03 November 2005
    Composition of Restricted Sessions and on Deliberations taken by written procedure enforcing some of its powers ...
    Deliberação 299  PDF (29 KB)
  15. Appraisal of the Reports submitted by the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas do Trabalho, Acidentes de Trabalho e Doenças Profissionais (Working Group on Labour, Occupational Diseases and Occupational Accidents Statistics) (Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases Statistics); issue of recommendations in these areas
    04 October 2005
    Appraisal of the Reports submitted by the Grupo de Trabalho sobre Estatísticas do Trabalho, Acidentes de Trabalho e Doenças Profissionais (Working Group on Labour, Occupational Diseases  ...
    13ª Decisão - SP de Estatísticas Demográficas e Sociais, Famílias e Ambiente  PDF (44 KB)
  16. Approval of the “Methodological Document” to be used within the scope of the National Statistical System
    11 July 2005
    Approval of the “Methodological Document” to be used within the scope of the National Statistical System ...
    Deliberation 296  PDF (41 KB)
  17. Issue of a favourable opinion on the Work Programme for 2005 of Statistics Portugal and of the entities intervening in national statistical production
    15 February 2005
    Issue of a favourable opinion on the Work Programme for 2005 of Statistics Portugal and of the entities intervening in national statistical production ...
    Deliberação 288  PDF (26 KB)
  18. Approval of the Work Programme of the Statistical Council for 2005
    15 February 2005
    Approval of the Work Programme of the Statistical Council for 2005 ...
    Deliberação 287  PDF (19 KB)
  19. Operating Structure of the Statistical Council 2005
    15 February 2005
    Operating Structure of the Statistical Council 2005 ...
    Deliberation 286  PDF (137 KB)
  20. Approval of updates to the “Concepts for statistical purposes” in the thematic area of “Health”
    28 January 2005
    Approval of updates to the “Concepts for statistical purposes” in the thematic area of “Health” ...
    Deliberação 285  PDF (29 KB)
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