Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Publication cover  
Social Economy Sector Survey - 2018
Statistics Portugal launched, in June 2019, the Social Economy Sector Survey (SESS), a new statistical operation within the scope of the National Statistical System (NSS), which emerged following the realization, in 2017, of the Management Practices Survey (MPS) of non-financial companies. The ...

Issue year: 2020

Publication cover  
Satellite account for social economy : 2010
This publication presents the results of the pilot project of the Satellite Account for Social Economy (SASE) for the year 2010 and the survey on Volunteer Work for 2012. The characterization of Social Economy sector in Portugal was based on the analysis, by type of activity, of the number of ...

Issue year: 2013

Date of update
Geographical Level
Recipients of sickness benefits, of social security (No.) by Sex; Annual 03-07-2024 Portugal
Average value of sickness benefit of social security (€/ No.); Annual 03-07-2024 Portugal
Recipients of death grant of social security (No.); Annual 03-07-2024 Portugal
Recipients of prenatal family benefit of social security (No.); Annual 03-07-2024 Portugal
Pensioners of social security with complement due to dependency (No.); Annual 03-07-2024 Portugal