SDG indicators for Portugal, 2021

10 Source: Statistics Portugal (SDG 10.1.1, SDG 10.2.1, SDG 10.4.1) ; Eurostat (ilc_li02, tec00013) . Reduce inequality within and among countries Mean equivalent net monetary income 11,786 € 6,102 € 6,678 € 12,696 € 2018 2019 Total population 40% of the population with the lowest income Proportion of people living in households with an equivalent net monetary income below 50% of the median 10.2% 10.3% -0.2 pp than in 2018 2018 2019 Share of the compensation of employees in GDP 2020 Pe 48.9% +1.5 pp than in 2019 47.9% +3.1 pp than in 2019