SDG indicators for Portugal, 2021

12 Source: Statistics Portugal (SDG 12.2.1, SDG 12.2.2, SDG 12.4.2, SDG 12.5.1) ; Eurostat (t2020_rl110, env_ac_rme ). Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns Proportion of municipal waste prepared for reuse and recycling 41.0% 2019 +1.0 pp than in 2018 55% 60% Domestic material consumption per capita (t per inhabitant) 2019 Po 14.2 16.7 103.6 -4.8 kg per inhabitant than in 2018 2019 Recovery operations Disposal operations 41.4 61.4 Hazardous sectorial waste per capita (kg per inhabitant) 2025 2030 -0.2 t per inhabitant than in 2018 +0.4 t per inhabitant than in 2018 Material footprint per capita (t per inhabitant) 2018 Po 14.6 16.9