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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Industry turnover year-on-year rate of change speeds up Employment and working hours declined, wages rose
Business turnover, employment, wage and hours worked indices in industry
Industry turnover year-on-year rate of change speeds up Employment and working hours declined, wages rose - September 2008
04 November 2008

In September 2008, the year-on-year growth rate of nominal Industry turnover grew 10.2%, 8.3 percentage points up by last month. This rate was determined by growth in sales for both, domestic (12.8%) and external
(5.8%) markets. The different dynamic in September comparing with the previous month reflected in part calendar effects (less 2 working days, respectively, in August and September, when compared with same months of 2007). In the 3rd quarter 2008 the year-on-year growth rate stood at 7.9% (5.4% in the 2nd quarter)
Employment and hours worked (working days adjusted) felt 1.1% and 0.3%, respectively; wages increased 0.5%.
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