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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

International Trade of goods - Exports up by 0.3% and imports down by 7.2%
International trade statistics
International Trade of goods - Exports up by 0.3% and imports down by 7.2% - March 2013
10 May 2013


Exports of goods increased by 0.3% and imports decreased by 7.2% in the first quarter 2013, when compared with the first quarter 2012, which led to a EUR 1 074.8 million decrease in the deficit of the trade balance.
In year-on-year terms, in March 2013, exports decreased by 2.8% and imports by 9.8% (in February 2013 those figures were -2.6% and -6.1%, respectively).
Preliminary results for 2012 are disseminated in this press release. Definitive results for 2011 and preliminary for 2012 are disseminated in Portuguese Official Statistics Portal, in the form of statistical indicators, according to the revisions policy applied to International Trade Statistics.

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