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Housing locations and conditions in Portugal
Housing locations and conditions in Portugal
25 June 2013


According to the definitive results of the Census 2011, the Lisboa region presents the highest population density, although the region of the North concentrates the biggest parcel of the Portuguese population. The Alentejo region has the highest proportion of older people and dwellings occupied only by the elderly, but amongst these, the Madeira region records the highest proportion of dwellings occupied by aged people living alone. 
The highest proportion of buildings with 1 or 2 dwellings occurs in the Açores region (98%), in contrast with the region of Lisboa that presents the lowest proportion of these types of buildings in the country (74%).
The region of Lisboa also ranks first as the region where most dwellings are occupied as usual residence while seasonal or secondary use find the highest expression in the Algarve region. Usual residences have, on average, greater dimensions in the Centro and Açores regions, with the latter presenting the highest ratios of individuals and rooms by dwelling.
In the Centro region, the largest proportion of usual residences is occupied by their respective owners, but in the region of Lisboa most owners have mortgage related to the purchase of the dwelling. The Madeira region presents the highest average mortgage value.
The region of Lisboa also stands as the region where most usual residences are occupied by tenants and where contracts of indefinite duration are predominant. The region of Algarve records the highest monthly average value in terms of paid rent.       

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