Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourist trips made by residents with slight increase
Tourism Demand of Residents
Tourist trips made by residents with slight increase - 4th Quarter 2014
30 April 2015

In the 4th quarter 2014, residents in Portugal held about 4.0 million trips, 1.7% more than in the same quarter of 20131. To this increase contributed mostly the short trips (+2.2%). It is also worth mentioning the increase of 11.5% in the number of trips abroad.
As usual, the reason "visit relatives or friends" was the most representative: 55.4% of the total, though having registered a reduction of 4.8%. By the contrary, "leisure, recreation or holidays", motivation to 1.1 million trips, had a 6.0% growth.
As occurred in the previous quarter, the proportion of overnight stays in "Hotels and similar accommodation" increased namely when considering trips to "leisure, recreation or holidays", with 27.4% of the total (22.2% in Q4 2013) and in "professional or business" trips, with 58.8% (33.6% in Q4 2013), as opposed to reductions essentially in "free private accommodation".

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