Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Reduction in tourist trips from residents
Tourism Demand of Residents
Reduction in tourist trips from residents - 2nd Quarter 2015
30 October 2015


In the 2nd quarter 2015, residents in Portugal made around 4.3 million tourist trips, which stood for a decrease of 1.6% in relation to the 2nd quarter 2014 (+4.1% in the first quarter 2015). This outcome partly reflects the strong declining change rate occurred in April, linked to calendar effects, since in the two following months growths were recorded in tourist trips made by residents.Visits to relatives or friends had a 4.9% reduction but remained to be the main motivation for travelling: 44.9% of the total. Trips made for (Leisure, recreation or holidays) reasons increased by 4.2%, concentrating 39.5% of the total. The reduction in the number of tourist trips was exclusively due to the fact that less domestic destinations were chosen (-1.9%), since tourist trips made by residents with a foreign destination have increased slightly by 0.9%. (Free private accommodation) concentrated the largest number of overnight stays 61.4%, followed by hotels and similar accommodation” with 30.1% of overnight stays.

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