Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Despite the slowdown of GVA, freight and passenger movements increased in most modes of transport
Transport and Communication Statistics
Despite the slowdown of GVA, freight and passenger movements increased in most modes of transport - 2015
09 November 2016


In 2015, the Gross Value Added of transport companies increased by 0.5% in nominal terms, slowing down compared to 2014 (+3.2%), while turnover decreased by 0.6% (+4.0% in the previous year).
With regard to heavy railway transport, there were increases in both passengers (+1.7%) and goods transported (+7.9%), following +1.8% and +10.9%, respectively, in the preceding year.
Goods transported by heavy road vehicles licensed in Mainland Portugal increased 4.9% (-2.3% in 2014).
National ports accounted for an increase of 7.7% concerning the movement of goods, surpassing the result of the preceding year (+3.2%). Cruise passengers increased 13.5%, in contrast with the previous year (-3.6%).
Inland waterways transport was used by 18.9 million passengers (+2.8%) and 294.45 thousand passenger cars (+14.2%).
In the aviation sector, national airports registered 39.6 million passengers (+11.0%, +9.4% in 2014) and air transport companies licensed in Portugal carried 12.8 million passengers (-3.1%).
In what concerns telecommunications, the steep increase in broadband internet traffic access should be emphasized (+30.7%) and also the increase in the volume of voice traffic originated in the mobile network (+5.5%).


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