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Consumer confidence indicator decreases and economic climate indicator stabilizes
Business and consumer surveys
Consumer confidence indicator decreases and economic climate indicator stabilizes - December 2019
02 January 2020


The Consumer confidence indicator decreased in December, contrary to the increase observed in the previous month.
The economic climate indicator stabilized in November and December, after decreasing in October. In reference month, the confidence indicators increased in Manufacturing Industry and in Construction and Public Works, and decreased in Trade and in Services.
The evolution of the Consumer confidence indicator resulted from the negative contribution of the perspectives regarding the country’s economic situation, the major purchases and the household’s financial situation, while the opinions on the evolution of the household’s financial situation contributed positively.
In Manufacturing Industry, the confidence indicator slightly increased, after decreasing in the previous three months and reaching the lowest balance since August 2014. This evolution reflected the positive contribution of the opinions on global demand, while the opinions on the evolution of stocks of finished products stabilized and the production perspective presented a negative contribution. The confidence indicator for Construction and Public Works increased in December, after slightly declining in November, as a result of the positive contribution of both components, perspectives on employment and opinions on order books. The confidence indicator for Trade decreased in December, contrary to the increase observed in the previous month, reflecting the negative contributions of all components, opinions on the business activity, perspectives on sales evolution and opinions on the volume of stocks. The Services’ confidence indicator decreased in December, after increasing in October and November, with a negative contribution of all components, opinions on the evolution of the business situation and opinions and perspectives on the evolution of the order books.

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