Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Interest rate increased to 0.967% while owed capital and monthly loans repayments stood at 54,317 Euros and 226 Euros, respectively
Interest rates implied in housing loans
Interest rate increased to 0.967% while owed capital and monthly loans repayments stood at 54,317 Euros and 226 Euros, respectively - August 2020
21 September 2020


The implicit interest rate for all housing loan agreements increased from 0.950% in July to 0.967% in August. For the contracts that were closed in the previous three months, the interest rate increased from 0.969% to 1.003%. The average value of owed capital increased 114 Euros, reaching 54,317 Euros. The average value of loan repayments stood at 226 Euros.

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