Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

In 2008 expenditure in Tourism consumption slows down
Tourism satellite account for Portugal
In 2008 expenditure in Tourism consumption slows down - 2007 / 2008
19 December 2008


In 2008, it is estimated that expenditure in tourism consumption should increase 2,5%, after two years of a high growth of the tourism demand, when the maximum levels of the nominal growth of the interior consumption were achieved, in a time series that has started in 2000.  It is estimated that the Gross Value Added generated by tourism, whose trend is in line with the moderate growth of the tourism demand, should increase at a nominal rate of 1,1%. Conversely to the last two years, when the tourism activity has achieved a high nominal growth rhythms, even higher than those of the total economy, it is expected that in 2008 a slow down the tourism activity should occur as a result of the basic effect of the data of previous years on one hand and, on the other due to the present world economic situation.

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