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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Year 2020 marked by the severe impact of the covid-19 pandemic. Gross operating surplus decreased by 18.1%
Enterprises in Portugal
Provisional data
Year 2020 marked by the severe impact of the covid-19 pandemic. Gross operating surplus decreased by 18.1% Provisional data - 2020
28 October 2021


In 2020, the non-financial enterprises recorded decreases in turnover and gross value added (GVA) of 9.6% and 10.1%, respectively (+4.0% and +5.8% in 2019). Persons employed, personnel costs and gross operating surplus decreased by 0.5%, 1.7% and 18.1%, respectively (+4.1%, +8.7% and +2.1% in 2019, in the same order).

By economic activity, it was in the Accommodation and catering that there was the largest decrease in the GVA (-47.4% compared to 2019), while Information and communication recorded the only growth in all non-financial enterprises (+10.4% compared to 2019).

The non-financial large companies recorded more significant decreases in the main economic indicators (-13.2% in GVA and -13.3% in turnover) than small and medium-sized ones (-8.6% and -7.4%, respectively).

In 2020, there were 26,267 companies with an exporting profile in the national territory (578 fewer companies than in 2019), corresponding to 5.9% of the total non-financial companies in Portugal. These companies represented 22.7% of persons employed, accounted for 33.0% of turnover and generated 32.1% of the GVA (-0.2 p.p.,-1.3 p.p. and +0.1 p.p. compared to 2019, respectively).

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