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The more moderate GDP growth in the second quarter was related to a smaller contribute of external demand and to a larger contribute of domestic demand
Monthly Economic Survey
The more moderate GDP growth in the second quarter was related to a smaller contribute of external demand and to a larger contribute of domestic demand - July 2007
20 August 2007


The indications given by the latest data on the external background of the Portuguese economy in the second quarter are less favourable. The GDP was up by 1.6% in the second quarter, less 0.4 percentage points (p.p.) than in the first quarter, reflecting mainly a slow down of exports. External trade data, with preliminary results up to June, showed a deceleration of 5.3 p.p. in the value of exports and an acceleration of 2.4 p.p. of imports on the second quarter, compared to the former quarter. Nonetheless, exports maintained a higher growth rate than imports (6.2% and 4.0%, respectively). Domestic demand registered some acceleration in the second quarter, mainly due to the evolution of investment. In spite of growing in a less dynamic way than investment, the private consumption should have slightly accelerated due to a more intense growth of the durable goods that more than compensate the deceleration of non-durable goods. The information already available for July points to the same opposite behaviours. In the second quarter, employment diminished 0.5% year on year after a slight positive growth in the previous quarter. The unemployment rate was 7.9% in the second quarter, more 0.6 p.p. than in the second quarter of 2006 (in the first quarter of 2007 unemployment rate stood at 8.4%, more 0.7 p.p. than in the same quarter of the previous year). Inflation was 2.4% in July, the same value of the two previous months.
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