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Consumer confidence indicator increase and economic climate indicator decrease
Business and consumer surveys
Consumer confidence indicator increase and economic climate indicator decrease - May 2022
30 May 2022


Consumer confidence indicator increased in April and May, following the abrupt fall registered in March, the second largest of the series, being only surpassed by the strong decline observed in April of 2020, when the pandemic begun. The balance of Consumers expectations regarding the future evolution of the price level decreased in April and May, after registering in March the largest increase of the series, which largely surpassed the previous maximum value.

The economic climate indicator decreased in May, after slightly increasing in April. Confidence indicators decreased in May in Manufacturing Industry, in Trade and slightly in Services, while the Construction and Public Works confidence indicator increased.

The entrepreneurs’ expectations regarding the future evolution of selling prices decreased in all sectors, after attaining in April the maximums of the respective series in Manufacturing Industry, in Trade and in Services and in March in Construction and Public Works.

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