Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

After the contraction of 44.5% in 2020, GVA generated by tourism increased 27.3%
Tourism satellite account for Portugal
After the contraction of 44.5% in 2020, GVA generated by tourism increased 27.3% - 2021
27 June 2022


The preliminary estimate of the Tourism Satellite Account for 2021 points to a nominal increase of 27.3% in the Gross Value Added generated by Tourism (GVAGT), compared to 2020. GVAGT represented 5.8% of national GVA (4.8% in 2020), still standing 2.3 p.p. below 2019 (in which it represented 8.1% of the economy's GVA). Tourism Consumption in the Economic Territory (TCET) was equivalent to 10.1% of GDP (8.4% in 2020), but 5.2 p.p. lower than in 2019.

Applying the 2017 Integrated System of Symmetric Input-Output Tables to the main results of the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) it is estimated that the tourism activity has generated a direct and indirect contribution of 16.8 billion euros to GDP in 2021, which corresponds to 8.0% (6.6% in 2020 and 11.8% in 2019). These results translated into a contribution of around 2/3 to the reduction in GDP volume in 2020, and in just over 1/3 to its recovery in 2021.

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