Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Year-On-Year rate in Industry Turnover less negative
Employment, Wages and Hours worked declined
Business turnover, employment, wage and hours worked indices in industry
Year-On-Year rate in Industry Turnover less negative Employment, Wages and Hours worked declined - August 2009
06 October 2009

In August 2009, the year-on-year growth rate of nominal Industry Turnover declined 16.6% (-20.4% in July). This rate was determined by negative performances in sales for both markets, domestic and external, although less negative than the observed in the previous month particularly in the latter. The variations rates registered were
-15.7% for the domestic market and -18.7% for the external market against respectively -16.9% and -26.0% in July.
Also in year-on-year terms, employment, wages and salaries and hours worked (adjusted of calendar effects) registered negative change rates of -6.5%, -4.8% and -5.2%, respectivel

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