Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Decrease in Interest rate on housing loans for the 10 th consecutive month
Interest rates implied in housing loans
Decrease in Interest rate on housing loans for the 10 th consecutive month - October 2009
27 November 2009

The interest rate on housing loans stood at 2.211% in October, down by 0.149 percentage points compared with the previous month. With a decrease of 3.765 percentage points from December 2008, this value is the new lowest one of the time series initiated in November 2003. The average loan repayments decreased €4, to €259 (since the beginning of the year it decreased €110), witch is, also, the lowest value of all time series. The implicit interest rate on contracts signed over the last 3 months dropped by 0.094 percentage points to 2.277%.

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