Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

In 2021, companies belonging to a group represented 59.1% of the total GVA of companies
Enterprises in Portugal
Companies belonging to Enterprise Groups
In 2021, companies belonging to a group represented 59.1% of the total GVA of companies - 2021
18 April 2023


In 2021, there were 39 267 companies belonging to a group in Portugal, which represented 8.2% of the total number of companies, concentrated 41.0% of the persons employed, 62.9% of the turnover, 59.1% of the gross value added (GVA) and 65.0% of the gross operating surplus (GOS) (8.5%, 41.8%, 63.7%, 60.5% and 68.3% in the previous year, respectively). Compared to 2019, the number of companies belonging to a group grew by 3.9%, turnover, GVA and GOS increased by 1.9%, 2.1% and 1.0%, respectively, while persons employed decreased by 0.2%.

In 2021, 29.4% of the companies in the Financial services sector belonged to a group, followed by the Information and communication and Manufacturing and energy sectors (12.0% and 11.4% respectively), concentrating 83.3%, 77.1% and 65.4% of the GVA generated by the respective sectors.

The apparent labour productivity and the average annual remuneration of the companies belonging to a group were higher than those registered by the remaining companies: EUR 48.2 thousand versus EUR 24.1 thousand and EUR 20.6 thousand versus EUR 13.6 thousand, respectively.