Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

All-time mininum production of winter cereals
Agricultural forecasts
All-time mininum production of winter cereals - July 2023
18 August 2023


Early estimate, on July 31, point to an agricultural year again marked by drought that affects 96.9% of the mainland, of which 34.4% in severe or extreme drought (south of the Tagus).

The winter cereal campaign is concluded, confirming the current campaign as the worst ever for all cereal species, as a result of decreases in area and productivity.

The scarce production of green matter for grazing, particularly south of the Tagus, forced the anticipation of feed supplementation of livestock in extensive regime, increasing demand in a scenario of scarce supply, with prices doubling compared to 2022.

The installation of spring/summer crops proceeded normally, with the irrigation campaign ensured in 60 hydro-agricultural reservoirs, with 5 remaining with restrictions on the use of irrigation water since last year. In general, these crops show a regular development, although a lower-than-normal yield is expected for tomatoes for processing.

Pear and apple orchards are expected to record yield decreases for the second consecutive year (10% and 15%, respectively). Cherry production dropped to less than half of the previous campaign (-55%).

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