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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Draught affects livestock farming
Agricultural forecasts
Draught affects livestock farming - December 2004
19 January 2005

On 31 December early estimates, taking as a basis the changes introduced in the aid scheme within the scope of the new Common Agricultural Policy, point to significant changes in the cereal structure. Surface cultivated of durum wheat, which had expanded significantly in recent years due to complementary aid, has fallen sharply in the present season, partly offset by the increase in surface cultivated of common wheat, triticale and oat. As regards olive trees, forecasts point to a 15% decline from the previous season in table olives, but to a 5% rise in olives for olive oil. The plant health of the olives is good, and good quality olive oil is expected this season. It is also worth mentioning that the scarce rainfalls accumulated have affected growth of plants, pastures and forage, thus compromising feed stocks of the livestock population.
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