Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Industry Turnover rose by 2.5% in year-on-year terms
Employment, Wages and Hours worked declined
Business turnover, employment, wage and hours worked indices in industry
Industry Turnover rose by 2.5% in year-on-year terms Employment, Wages and Hours worked declined - December 2009
03 February 2010

In December 2009, Industry Turnover increased 2.5% in year-on-year terms (-3.9% in November). This evolution was determined by the external market performance, where the turnover rose by 16.2% (declined 1.0% on the previous month). Turnover in the internal market declined 3.5%, up by 2.0 percentage points from November. In the 4th Quarter of 2009, Industry Turnover declined 4.5%, compared to the same period of 2008. Also in year-on-year terms, employment declined 5.3%, while wages and hours worked (adjusted of calendar effects), both, declined 5.1%.

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