Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Industry turnover decelerates
Employment, Wages and Hours Worked decreased
Business turnover, employment, wage and hours worked indices in industry
Industry turnover decelerates Employment, Wages and Hours Worked decreased - July 2010
07 September 2010

In July 2010, industry turnover year-on-year rate was 5.5%, decelerating from the observed in June (10.3%). Both markets had less positive performances, mostly in the domestic market. Comparing with the same month of the previous year, domestic sales were up by 1.4% in July (7.0% in June), while external market sales increased by 13.2% (16.1% in the previous month).
Also in year-on-year terms, employment and wages decreased 1.6%, while hours worked (adjusted for calendar effects) year-on-year change rate was -2.0%.

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