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The role of urban green spaces in the Health and well-being of the population
Paula Santana > Demographic Studies Review > INE, 2010, p. 5 - 34


The aim of this article is to evaluate the offer (in terms of quality, security, comfort, etc.) and the use of urban green spaces and its potential influence on the well-being and on the individual and community health, contributing for i) the advance in the knowledge about the association between the offer and the use of green spaces and its impact on urban health; ii) the development of new methodologies of analysis and assessment of the green spaces.
The focus is also made on the potentialities of the Geographical Information Systems (GIS). This tool has allowed the precise and adequate assessment of the offer in terms of the needs of the potentially user community, taking into account the neighbourhood, parish and municipality.
Health being a strategic issue for the municipal, regional and national development, it is relevant to develop methodologies that allow decision-makers and civil society to have access to the adequate information for the different scales of intervention.

keywords: healthy urban planning, GIS, walkable urban green spaces, health results, well-being.

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