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M|G|00 queue heavy-traffic situation busy period length distribution (power and pareto service distributions)
Manuel Alberto M. Ferreira > Statistical Review - 1st Four-month 2001 > INE, 2001, p. 29 - 36


(Ferreira e Ramalhoto, 1994) showed that for service distributions such that lim ( ) = 0 a®¥ G t (G(×) is the d.f. and a is the mean, for a and r (traffic intensity) great enough the M|G| 00 queue busy period length distribution is approximately exponential. In this work we show that for service distributions for which this condition is not necessarily true, it is possible to have in some situations an approximately exponential behaviour for the M|G|00 queue busy period length.

keywords: M|G|00 , busy period, power distribution, Pareto distribution.

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