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The international return migration as phenomenon of the international crisis
Margareth Carvalho , Carolina Nunan , Duval Fernandes > Demographic Studies Review > INE, 2011, p. 69 - 98


Since the last decade of last century, international migration has emerged as a topic of great importance to Brazil and Portugal. While the former has become a country of emigration became the second one of the most important destination countries of Europe. Like other groups of immigrants seeking to Portugal, Brazilians, in recent years have come to this country more often, giving up other more popular destinations in the past as the United States. This migration generally has the features observed in other countries, young immigrants who seek work in the occupation of some repute, and mostly in the informal sector. For some, the trip to Europe was the first experience of migration, often driven by financial need or looking for work. Nowadays, facing a world crisis, the fact is that the return has been intensified and this has caused reactions in society of both countries. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the profile of Brazilian emigrants returned, mainly come from Portugal.

keywords: International migration; international migration of return; profile of migrants

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