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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Survey on national consumer price indexes
Rui Evangelista > Statistical Review - 3rd Four-month 2001 > INE, 2001, p. 191 - 210


This text presents the main findings of a survey, carried out by the prices division of the Portuguese National Statistical Institute, on national Consumer Price Indexes. The survey had two goals: firstly, it attempted to gather basic informatio on other countries’ CPIs; secondly, it attempted to identify common preferences in relation to future developments and on the use of certain techniques such as new quality adjustment methods.
The survey results enabled us to find out some interesting trends, particularly on the use of new data sources and on the use of quality adjustment methods. From the answers given, this latter issue is, and will continue to be, highly regarded in the next years.

keywords: consumer price index, data sources, quality adjustment methods.

Study - complete version
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