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Easy-care: eldery assessment system
Liliana Sousa , Helena Galante , Daniela Figueiredo > Statistical Review - 1st Four-month 2002 > INE, 2002, p. 89 - 102


The present investigation aims to characterize the older people (aged over 75 years old) quality of life and well being. The EASYcare (Elderly Assessment System) was used to collect data. The sample comprises 516 subjects. The statistical analysis was based on Principal Components Analysis and Cluster Analysis.
EASYcare’s reveal good psychometric proprieties (Cronbach α = 0,86). The principal component analysis identified 4 factors: cognitive competencies, health and quality of life, motor competencies and daily living autonomy. The cluster
analysis shows 4 groups of elder people: autonomous, autonomous with cognitive impairment, dependent with moderate cognitive impairment and dependent with severe cognitive impairment. 52,5% of the subjects fills in the independent group and only 19,7% are included within the two groups of dependent people.

keywords: elderly; quality of life and well being; principal component analysis; cluster analysis.

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