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The tuberculosis study. conceiving a econometric model for the crude mortality rate
José Henrique Dias Gonçalves > Demographic Studies Review - 2nd Semi-annual 2004 > INE, 2004, p. 111 - 126


In this paper we try to explain mortality by tuberculosis using statistical models. Firstly we present a brief historical analysis of tuberculosis in Portugal during the period 1930-2000 followed by a short describing data.Secondly we developed an econometric model based on annual data, in which the dependent variable is the gross mortality rate and the regressor is the Gross Internal Product per capita. The main findings show that for the analysed period the mortality due to tuberculosis depends in a negative way of the economic conjuncture. Finally we analysed the relation between HIV and mortality by tuberculosis.

keywords: tuberculosis deaths, mortality rates by tuberculosis, Sarima models.

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