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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Statistics Portugal spatial data infrastructure
Ana Maria Santos > Demographic Studies Review > INE, 2013, p. 55 - 71


Statistics Portugal (INE) has used maps since 1981 to support the data collection in census field operations. In 1995, INE started the preparation of the cartographic infrastructure to the 2001 Census - “Base Reference Geographical Information” (BGRI 2001), supported by a Geographic Information System. Since 2006, with the production of BGRI 2011 to the 2011 Census, INE has been consolidating and developing its Spatial Data
Infrastructure (SDI), on an ongoing effort to create nationwide spatial data sets.

The Statistics Portugal SDI, is nowadays an essential tool for the collection, organization, storage, and exploration of spatial data to support the production and dissemination of georeferenced official statistical information.

The adoption of the implementing rules and data specifications of the INSPIRE directive (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe), is a priority of INE’s Department of Methodology and Information Systems.

Keywords: spatial data infrastructure, geographical data, INSPIRE Directive and Information Official Statistics

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