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Fertility and nuptiality in Mozambique: calendar analysis
Sónia Cardoso > Demographic Studies Review > INE, 2006, p. 79 - 110


This article, based in the Mozambique case, will focus in the analysis of the fertility calendar in face of what’s considered to be one of the previous demographic conditions to the fertile values breakdown: the weddings limitations. The changes of the standard nuptial patterns will have a broad meaning, which bodes well and, above all, reveals the changes in the family living, from the sex relationships and from the female own status. Considering that the changes will focus, before any further considerations, in the calendar value and, only later, in the intensity, and knowing that Mozambique is one of the few Africans countries, which saw the re-birth of its nuptial calendar, we will focus, precisely, in the analysis of both phenomena calendar.

Keywords: Mozambique, fertility, nuptiality, calendar.

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