Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal


Portuguese health status. A spatial perspective
Paula Santana , Artur Vaz , Marta Fachada > Demographic Studies Review - 2nd Semi-annual 2004 > INE, 2004, p. 5 - 28

The tuberculosis mortality in Portugal during the period from 1985 to 2002
Maria dos Anjos Leitão de Campos > Demographic Studies Review - 2nd Semi-annual 2004 > INE, 2004, p. 29 - 39

Characteristics of residents in nonconventional dwellings based on 1991 and 2001 census
Cristina Gonçalves > Demographic Studies Review - 2nd Semi-annual 2004 > INE, 2004, p. 71 - 87

The ethnic segregation problematic - conceptual issues and operational limits: the case of Lisbon metropolitan area
Francisco Vala , Jorge Macaísta Malheiros > Demographic Studies Review - 2nd Semi-annual 2004 > INE, 2004, p. 89 - 109

The tuberculosis study. conceiving a econometric model for the crude mortality rate
José Henrique Dias Gonçalves > Demographic Studies Review - 2nd Semi-annual 2004 > INE, 2004, p. 111 - 126

The demographic changes in Portugal
Lurdes Patrício , Maria José Carrilho > Demographic Studies Review - 2nd Semi-annual 2004 > INE, 2004, p. 127 - 151

Population estimates by marital status, sex and age, Portugal, 2001-2003
Sofia Leite > Demographic Studies Review - 2nd Semi-annual 2004 > INE, 2004, p. 153 - 173

Territorial dynamics of population ageing: an exploratory analysis of the results of the 1991 and 2001 Census
Cristina Gonçalves , Maria José Carrilho > Demographic Studies Review - 2nd Semi-annual 2004 > INE, 2004, p. 175 - 193

Easy-care: eldery assessment system
Liliana Sousa , Helena Galante , Daniela Figueiredo > Statistical Review - 1st Four-month 2002 > INE, 2002, p. 89 - 102

ANOVA and regression with dummy variables: more similarities than differences
Patrícia Oom do Vale , Efigénio Rebelo > Statistical Review - 1st Four-month 2002 > INE, 2002, p. 49 - 86