Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Up to and including 1970 you can find the respective methodologies in the publications containing census results. Up to and including 1981 there is a dedicated publication of Antecedentes, ...

Yes, on the database of the Statistics Portugal’s website ( ) – Products – Database – Theme: Living conditions and citizenship . ...

On the Statistics Portugal’s website you can find indicators of aggregate demographic components that determine the trend of resident population – population change or crude increase, ...

You can find information on the methodology underlying the calculation of resident population estimates of this statistical operation in the Metadata System on the homepage of the Statistics ...

On the Statistics Portugal’s website you can find: • Resident population estimates by gender, five-yearly age groups, disaggregated to the municipality level as of 1991. • Resident ...

In Press Releases, Statistical data and Publications of the ‘Industry and energy’ theme. Early aggregate data can be found in Press Releases, for example in: Press Releases on Industrial ...

In the case of indicators selected from the Statistics Portugal's website in Products > Statistical Data > Database , the option 'Change selection conditions' allows you to edit all dimensions ...

You can find the methodological document of this operation Resident Population Projections (only avaiable in Portuguese)– in the Metadata System on the homepage of the Statistics ...

You can find the demographic indicators associated with the latest population projection exercise, namely life expectancy, ratio of net migration, and dependency ratios, on the database of the ...

Following approval of Law No 75/2013 of 12 September , intermunicipal entities are local government associations and apply to the Portuguese mainland territory. They are also administrative units of ...